
"I’m part of RCS for me and for my daughter, Maya. I want to ensure that my children, my grandchildren, and my great grandchildren will be inspired and connected to their Judaism."

K.S., Chicago, IL


"Women have such a strong influence on their children, husbands, communities, schools, and workplaces. When Jewish learning takes place among women, it has the power to reverberate way beyond the individual participants."

B.K., Montreal, QC


"Learning about Judaism through the Rosh Chodesh Society has had a tremendous impact on all areas of my life: my marriage, my relationships with my family, my work… I take the lessons home with me, and I can’t wait to share them with my family."

E.R., Miami FL


"There’s nothing better than the support of Jewish women getting together, learning, and sharing our life experiences."

E.W., Melbourne, Australia


"The Rosh Chodesh Society has made giving a class an attainable goal for me."

G.G., RCS Instructor, Folsom, CA