About Rosh Chodesh Society

Mission Statement

RCS is an inspirational network for all Jewish women, providing monthly educational, cultural, and social programs across the globe. RCS enjoys rapid expansion, as women universally are hungrier than ever for a meaningful connection with their rich Jewish heritage and for a vibrant bond with their Jewish sisters.

Cutting-edge programs delivered by women scholars, educators, and leaders empower women to brighten their own lives and bring blessing and inspiration to their corner of the globe.

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A Work of Heart

Between Me and G-d: How Jewish Prayer Unites Heaven and Earth

Should we pray? Granted, prayer has been a key feature of Jewish life for four millennia. But what is its goal, how is it done, and why are ancient and formal rituals relevant to us nowadays?

The Rosh Chodesh Society’s upcoming course, A Work of Heart, flings the cover off the Jewish prayer book, the prayer services, and the synagogue—exposing the beating and beautiful heart of prayer that breathes within. It reveals...